Peppa Pig – Ice Skating

You have definitely enjoyed a lot of funny activities with cool Peppa Pig. But we bet there is something you have never tried. And it is skating! You may think that the heroine is clumsy for it, but let’s wait until you see everything with your own eyes.

Let Peppa enjoy skating to the fullest!

You will find piggy on the skating rink wearing skates. She is not alone – her father and brother are also here. You will have to help them in a very interesting way. You will see a number in the upper part of the screen and four groups of objects. Your task is to select the group with the same number of objects as indicated on the screen. If you do everything correctly, Peppa will slide on the ice easily. Do you best not to make a single mistake and allow this cute company to have enough fun on the skating rink. The game is especially recommended for little players.

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